27 May 2022



Councillor Colin Swansborough



Ros Parker, Chief Operating Officer

Ian Gutsell, Chief Finance Officer

Graham Forsdyke, MBOS Programme Manager

Mark Winton, Audit Manager

Paul Fielding, Principal Auditor

Sophie Webb, Governance and Democracy Officer



Councillor Gerard Fox

Councillor Matthew Beaver


1.         VERBAL UPDATE

1.1.     GF informed the sub-group that MBOS Programme progress is steady and according to plan, confirming that the plan maintains green status. The programme board met on 26 May 2022 where progress and communications were reviewed. GF informed the sub-group that the technical build is approximately 70% complete.

1.2.     GF confirmed that since the last meeting of the sub-group, engagement and communication has been bolstered following appointment of a full-time Engagement Lead and full-time Communications Lead who have liaised with all departmental management teams regarding project progress. Feedback received has been generally positive from engagement sessions held.

1.3.     GF noted that the main risks identified for the programme are regarding resource to maintain pace, subject matter experts (SMEs) and maintaining internal knowledge which could be lost with loss of resource. These risks can be reduced by maintaining engagement, acceptance and readiness within the organisation.

1.4.     Ros Parker (RP) noted that the programme is well-structured and is running to time and budget. There are various checks and balances in place to deal with risks.

1.5.     CS noted that the progress is positive and looks forward to the calm approach of this programme to continue to go-live.